Monday, November 5, 2012

L-Carnitine increases fat burning

Research shows that oral consumption of L-Carnitine significantly increases fatty acid(body fat) oxidation in healthy adults. Subjects consumed 1 gram (1000 mg) of L-Carnitine 3 times/day, for a total of 3 grams/ day. The majority of subjects,  even those without Carnitine deficiency, showed an increase in fatty acid oxidation (burning).

Metabolism, Volume 51, No 11: 1389-91, 2002

If you are currently on a fat loss regimen, make sure you add 3-4 grams of L-Carnitine to your daily supplement plan. Take one gram, 3 times/day to get a minimum of 3 grams. Make sure to purchase L-Carnitine tartrate, which is the preferred form of L-Carnitine.


  1. Is it safe or does it have any side effect? I think I am going to try it. Starting last week I am into some program of burning fat. Thanks for sharing this!

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  3. The majority of subjects, even those capsiplex tablets without Carnitine deficiency, showed an increase in fatty acid oxidation (burning).
